Wednesday, 29 March 2017


This is an attempt to do a "Movie Feels" for once, because I always do "Book Feels"and "Movie Reviews". This is probably going to stay unpublished in my thing, but here goes.

I watched this movie and I felt a savage sense of loss.
Ernest Hemingway ~ "The world is a fine place and worth fighting for." Somerset the protagonist agrees with the second.

Attrition ~ sorrow for sin that falls short of contrition.
       SOMERSET: Attrition. When you regret your sins, but not because you love God.
           MILLS: Like, because someone's holding a gun on you.

"Why always like this? Only after the fact... this sudden realization, that if you shoot someone, or stick a knife in them, that person will cease to exist."  Somerset. 

Pathetic soul needs to read > Seven Terraces of Purgation, Dante, Canterbury Tales, Paradise Lost, Purgatory, The Life and Time of Charlie Manson, The Writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas.

"It's a fine line between insane and inspired." Somerset.

"In any major city, minding your own business is a perfected science. There's a public crime prevention course offered at the precinct house once a month. The first thing they teach is that you should never cry "help." Always scream "fire," because people don't want to get caught up in anything. But a fire... that's an evening's entertainment. They come running." Somerset.

"Wanting people to listen, you can't just tap them on the shoulder anymore. You have to hit them with a sledgehammer, and then you'll notice you've got their strict attention." John Doe

I just don't think I can continue living in a place that embraces and nurtures apathy as if it was a virtue. 

Pederast >  Pederasty ~ sexual activity involving a man and a boy.

Reference, Sodom and Gomorrah,

The Counsel Of Strangers

Rumi ~
Discursiveness dies and gets put in the grave.
This contemplative joy does not.
This present thirst is your intelligence,
not the back-and-forth, mercurial brightness.
Scholarly knowledge is a vertigo,
an exhausted famousness.
Listening is better.

Rumi ~
This is how a human being can change :
There's a worm addicted
to eating grape leaves.
Suddenly, he wakes up,
call it grace, whatever, something wakes him,
and he's no longer a worm.
He's the entire vineyard,
and the orchard too, the fruit, the trunks,
a growing wisdom and joy
that doesn't need
to devour.

Dead man talking.

This is my first film review. The film is Dead Man Talking, a french film directed by Patrick Ridremont. It is the story of an execution, touching and droll.
The movie takes off noting the attitude of general indifference around the execution of an anonymous criminal. When asked to say something as a last word, William starts telling anecdotes from his life, interesting and moving. A mere formality rapidly becomes a nightmare for the prison director and a major issue  in a local electoral campaign.
The characters are beautifully spun, the film is never too slow or too fast. The dialogue is catchy and tastefully funny, though sometimes a little slapstick trickles in. Unexpectedly witty and loqucious, William Lamers takes us on a tour of his life. Even without an equal amount of screen "show and tell", the other characters are not at all flat, but layered and textured with finesse. From their interactions with Lamers and each other, we find innocuous flaws and pains and struggles and secrets. Makes for a harrowing, beautiful two hours. 

Friday, 24 March 2017


Phases : A Ramble.

Teenage is a phase. Childhood is a phase. Some pretty. Some ugly. Enjoy where you are. Path that counts, the destination is just that. But no, I see my child slipping into my phase that I used to be. I see my mistakes that I made. My child will make my mistakes. Do I want that ?
But the mistakes that are seen clearly. The good things are not. Don't deny a phase, enjoy where you are. But deny the mistakes, how to then find. What good rests. Don't deny a phase. Find out who you are. Does the phase change ?
The phases in the phase. The phasing of the phase. The phase phasing. Does it make sense. The phases. The phase. Change. And changes. Changing. Mistakes. Doing. Find what is left, seeing what is seen, growing scared, growing thus scared.
I see my child making my mistakes. I find mistakes, so not to make. I show my child my mistakes, so not to make. The good shall we find on our own. 


weer towards intellect ?
where is it coming from 
this attraction ?
am I just another
wandering traction ?
'cause I don't want to be. 
trying to be
gender blind here. 
! God of the Wild Pan
persons believe
what they want to 
see what they want 
feel likewise 
don't see why in freedom
being sadness 
see why I'm gender blind ?
I could love you
today or tomorrow 
if I love you 
I will not know you
feel you today
and tomorrow.
fill up your forever ?