Sunday, 16 April 2017

Westworld : Part IV

Part IV : Tangents/Ramblings.

Woaah that sounds like Paint It Black! Damn, I haven't heard anything by the Rolling Stones in such a long time! I'll go listen to them! I'll just look up some Westworld music while I'm here...oh my god they covered Paint It Black! Oh my god they covered Paint It Black!!! And it sounds so good. Okay I'm just going to sit here listening to super-cool Westworld covers while I still have the rest of the show waiting to be watched :P

Flies. I noticed all the flies in the first season for some weird reason. On their eyes could be taken as a hint that they're not human and not online. And when Dolores kills the fly, that was obviously a moment. A moment it was. And when they are actually online, and they shoo away the flies, it's a indicator of how deep the impulses have been ingrained, it's really pretty. Like with the "ingratiating scheme" = personal questions in a conversation. "We've been talking for a long time and I haven't asked you a personal question."

Dolores also reminded me of Sansa, in the beginning. That line she had was so pseudo-feminist. "I imagined a story where I didn't have to be a damsel." I'm sorry, what the heck? And when she starts being brave, her clothes just get more masculine? I get that the clothes tied in later with the whole inner voice Dolores, but I thought that was kind of tacky, they could have made it much subtler. So what if everyone doesn't get it? Everyone is stupid. And I was kind of okay with how she was Sansa and immature and she had Teddy being all chivalrous and "your path leads you back to me" and she was happy in that small sexist loop, and then suddenly she broke free and I was so happy and then she starts sprouting that pseudo-feminist crap and it just hurt me inside. If the writers intended for it to show how she's struggling to throw her old mannerisms, then that would still be fine, but sure didn't seem like it. Especially how she unbuttoned even the "brave" shirt down to her cleavage. 
Also Teddy really reminded me of Billy Crash from Django Unchained (Walton Goggins), looks-wise only, not character, but apparently he's played by a James Marsden. 

MRSA = Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. It is a bacterium responsible for several difficult-to-treat infections in humans. It's called 

I thought I heard someone mention Heromich Bodge, but apparently that's not even a person, so I don't know. If someone knows, tell me in the comments xx

Behavior takes a proprietary approach. "Proprietary" describes something that is owned exclusively by a single company that carefully guards knowledge about the technology or the product's inner workings. Eg. Microsoft takes a proprietary approach. So when the spectrum of behavior starts panning, it tries to take over all unrelated parts of the organism. 
Proprietary system? Publisher or another person retains intellectual property rights—usually copyright of the source, but sometimes patent rights.

How many men are there in a firing it to lessen the blame or guilt on a single person... Compare a firing squad with hanging and the guilt of a hangman with the poisoner (woman's weapon?). 
FIRING SQUAD> Sometimes called "fusillading" from the french "fusil" = "rifle". Before the introduction of firearms, bows or crossbows were often used.Usually, all members of the group are instructed to fire simultaneously, thus preventing both disruption of the process by a single member and identification of the member who fired the lethal shot. A single shot by the squad's officer with a pistol called the "coup de grâce" is sometimes incorporated if the initial volley turns out not to be immediately fatal. | Military Significance > For servicemen, the firing squad is symbolic. The condemned serviceman is executed by a group of his peers indicating that he is found guilty by the entire group. Also, the group action on one side (being the firing squad), with the condemned standing opposite, presents a visual contrast that reinforces to all witnesses that solidarity is an overriding necessity in a military unit. If the condemned prisoner is an ex-officer who is acknowledged to have shown bravery in their past career, they may be accorded the privilege of giving the order to fire. | Blank Cartidge > In some cases, all but one members have live rounds. Since they are not told beforehand if they have a blank cartidge or live ammunition, this is believed to reinforce the sense of diffusion of responsibility among the firing squad members and make it more likely that they would aim to kill, as they know they won't be entirely blamed for it, or if there is a chance they won't fire the lethal shot. It also allows each member of the firing squad to believe afterwards that he did not personally fire a fatal shot—for this reason, it is sometimes referred to as the "conscience round".
HANGMAN > (Side note, I searched Hangman and then Hangman Guilt, still getting results for the game -.-) The Oxford English Dictionary states that hanging in this sense is "specifically to put to death by suspension by the neck", though it formerly also referred to crucifixion and death by impalement in which the body would remain "hanging". The first account of execution by hanging was in Homer's Odyssey.

Unrelated, but from all the dead people and no tombs, Oscar Wilde is buried in the Père Lachaise Cemetery. 

Felix, Destin. I thought Mauve was going to kill Felix. For sure.

How does evolution explain peacock feathers? SEXUAL SELECTION. Researchers find that males can respond quicker than females to sexual selection, resulting in glitzier garbs like the male peacock's tail feather, which outshows any drab peahen.

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