Saturday 20 August 2016

In The Trash.

At the book-launch of a moderately successful Indian writer, a fangirl+reader+aspiring writer asked a brilliant, strikingly original question. "Do you have any tips for aspiring writers?"
And of course, the author obligingly listed out some of the tips he thought would help. Surprisingly, he did not say, "Get smart. You know like in the Alia Bhatt video?"
One of these tips was, "Ensure nothing goes into the trash because of lack of planning."

What. I'm sitting there in the audience going, "Hey man. Okay. I have folders named "BadCan", "Trashcan", "WasteBin#Hate" in my computer, in my writing folder. You know I go in those folder, and I read my beloved trash, I sit in the trash can and I inhale the smell of my trash and I write more trash. I write trash fanfiction of trash fiction I've written. I sit there and I write more trash.  AND THIS PERFECT GUY, sitting up there on that podium, is telling me NOT to get anything go into THE TRASH? Babe, I write trash. I live trash. I love trash.